430 Years In Bondage! – Or Not… Joseph & The Hebrews In Egypt

You’ve probably heard it in the movies & pulpits: “430 years in bondage!” And you might have heard it from Historians: “no such evidence”. So which is true? Watch the videos below to understand:
-How long the Hebrews were actually in Egypt as slaves
-Evidence of Joseph
-Evidence of the Israelites/Jews in Egypt
-Evidence of The Exodus
-And surprising evidence to suggest that Joseph actually might have brought some Egyptians to America to start a new colony of sorts. Fascinating stuff archaeology is.

Being misinformed about the facts means that we get duped, and we may very well lead others, such as professional geologists to be duped as well and give their ‘professional opinions’ about the Bible being made up, when in fact it’s actually the most accurate ancient source of History we have today, tried and proven, and constantly proved correct by archaeology – if of course you’re not making mistakes like saying the Hebrews were slaves in Egypt for 430 years, read the text carefully.

NOTE: Some of the videos are from Ron Wyatt, who discovered many ancient Biblical sites through God’s help. Many people take issue with Ron (I think largely out of disbelief and/or jealousy) but whatever you think of Ron, you need to watch his documentaries – aged as they are – they will speak for themselves. 

*How Long Were The Israelites In Egypt? – NOT 430!

*Joseph In Egypt – Discoveries By Ron Wyatt:

*The Exodus – Archaeological Discoveries By Ron Wyatt:

*More discoveries by Ron Wyatt (haven’t watched, but I can see it contains more information on the Exodus, Mt. Sinai, etc.):

If you get a chance, WATCH THIS FILM/documentary. High quality, shows that all of the evidence for the events of the Exodus and Joshua’s conquest is found in Egypt and Canaan (except the red sea crossing and Mount Sinai, which they missed in this first film – but which Ron Wyatt and others have discovered/documented). The only issues are: A. a false, flaky, and disproved belief that the events in the Bible are supposed to have happened during Ramses ll, which they didn’t, and B. the current Egyptian time line doesn’t allow for it, which aside from the Bible, other surrounding cultures are demanding an adjustment (which consequently would line up the Egyptian timeline perfectly with Biblical timeline and all the physical evidence). They are working on a second film.
The Exodus DVD

*Have Not Watched Yet:

*Ancient Egyptian Artifacts Mentioning Biblical Figures & The Israelites – in the land of Canaan 1200 BC:

*Ancient Egyptians Came To America, and Joseph Was Their Pharaoh!? 
Note: If you go down this path, you will likely encounter the belief in ancient aliens, and other alternative and hidden history theories. If this is something that interests you, I HIGHLY suggest watching LA Marzuli (especially LA), Timothy Alberino, Steve Quayle, Tom Horn, Derek Gilbert, Russ Dizdar, and those associated with them, who explore and research these topics from a Biblical lens – Aliens, Giants, secret programs, dark forces which are ruining people’s lives, etc. They are on the cutting edge of these fringe topics in my opinion – don’t get into these kinds of topics without seeing these guys, if you don’t have a Biblical perspective, there’s a lot of deception out there to draw you away from God.