Money and Entrepreneurship

I know some Christians think we shouldn’t talk about money, but that’s not a Biblical concept, God actually has a lot… and I mean, a LOT to say about money and the stewardship of it in the Bible. Remember, it’s the LOVE of money that’s the root of all evil, not money itself. Now add onto that Entrepreneurship. There are some who say that entrepreneurship is the Biblical way a Christian should live, and that if you’re not an entrepreneur, you might be a little more attached to money then you think you… more about that in the first two videos on this page. Money is a necessary tool in this life, and the good stewardship of it is also extremely important. Add to these two facts that God wants you free to serve and obey Him, to give and be generous as you feel led and joyful to do, to have time with your family, and to be a greater influence in the world. Enjoy these resources about money and entrepreneurship.

ATTENTION: These may be two of the most painful videos you will ever watch (because they deal with money and starting a business). Josh Tolley is the guest on A Rood Awakening’s TV program Shabbat Night Live, and explains what America really needs to get back on it’s feet again, and why much of the Church and many families are struggling financially – which can lead to other issues. Don’t want to miss these presentations by Josh, he’s helped multiple people start businesses with $0 – and he explains WHY you need to start a business. He’s written at least two books, one called “Quit Your Job Or Die”, and the other “Evangelpreneur”. God bless, and enjoy 🙂

The Biblical Entrepreneur (Episode 1 of 2)

Solutions for Success: Blessings in Biblical Priorities (Episode 2 of 2)