The Origin Of Species – FULL Title…

Charles Darwins books full title

Here’s the full title of Charles Darwin’s “Origin of Species” for those who didn’t know.

So, let me get this straight… Charles Darwin left his potential future as a Pastor – which he obviously wasn’t very dedicated to (and which was a last chance option for a career), and if he hadn’t left it, Atheists would have hated him – and instead wrote a dangerous, stupid, and unscientific “theory” with no evidence, which justified the notions of racism and sexism (which a true understanding of God’s word would have rejected), while rejecting the Bible… and the Atheists love his work! Ah ha.

And if you think that’s something, wait until you read about some of the doozies in his second book: “The Descent Of Man…”!

People, some of the major real reasons that Charles’ work ever got off the ground, wasn’t because it was some great scientific thought, but was because wealthy Atheists didn’t want God telling them what to do, and didn’t want someone interfering with their sexual lusts (according to some of their own admissions), they didn’t want people telling them that all men are created in the image of God (no matter the color of their skin), they didn’t want to think of the Bible saying that: “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.” ~Galatians 3:28

The Bible is clear we all come from one man and one woman, which is scientifically verified (see here and here, and for more science resources, see here).

And since then, all the theory of evolution has done is provide the reasoning and moral escape for some of the biggest mass murderers over the last 200 years, hinder scientific progress, and degrade society. Ok, it has also provided lots of grant money to try to find evidence for itself, which it has never truly found, and provided several pristine examples of outright fraud, lies, and brainwashing techniques in our text books. See Kent Hovind’s “The Dangers Of Evolution” and “Lies In The Text Books”.

PS, here’s a list of scientists who have had the opportunity and courage (non-conformists are often purged or punished) who are skeptical of Darwinian Evolution:…/viewDB/filesDB-download.php…

All real science, keeps pointing back to the truth of the Bible. Let me know if you’d like to discuss this in more details, or would like more sources.

Thanks to Ken Ham for the image, you should follow him on Twitter:

Also, shout out to Kent Hovind (Dr. Dino), follow him on Youtube: Kent Hovind OFFICIAL

#God #Jesus #Bible #Christianity #Christians #Science #Atheists #Athiesm#Evolution #CharlesDarwin #OriginOfSpecies #Think