The REAL White Man’s Religion

Disclaimer, I do not ascribe to racism, I think it’s stupid and ungodly. But for the sake of racist minded people, I must use some logical reasoning regarding skin color. PS, throughout this article, “white” shall refer to “Caucasian”, as it generally does, despite the fact that they are not the only white-ish people on the planet. Neither are black-ish people all Africans. 

There is the idea out there that Christianity is the white man’s religion. The reasoning behind this is based mostly off of false concepts and an ignorance of history. And yes, we will talk about slavery a bit later, as do most of the videos as well.
Keep reading for videos below.

But before we get into the nitty-gritty details, let me just state the facts out in the open:

Fact #1: Christianity is not factually or historically a white man’s religion.

Fact #2: Islam actually IS a white man’s religion.

Fact #3: There are many other things a black person reading this may ascribe to, such as evolution, which was certainly derived from a white man.

And this leads us to our first line of reasoning: first of all, deciding to become a Christian should not be based off of good or bad feelings, otherwise there would have never  been any prophets, apostles, or even a Saviour. We should base our belief off of whether it is true or not. And while things like evolution (certainly derived from a white man, and certainly no less than a religion) can unequivocally and rather easily be proven factually and logically false (that’s another topic, can look at the science section here for a start – but it’s very incomplete at the moment), there is plenty of evidence to prove that Christianity is true. By the way, because of the Evolution theory, entire tribes of Australian Aborigines were murdered, so that their heads could be boiled down and sold to Universities and Museums as proof of evolution… because they had bigger jaw bones… because they use their jaws as tools. Evolution theory also was a major believe behind some of the cruelest people in modern times, including Hitler – who by the way criticized a black Olympian as being an animal and unfair to put his men against in a race, and classified different people groups as being more related to particular animals and more or less human – the Japanese in their treatment of American captives in WW2, Communist leaders, the first school shooters, and such like (see Kent Hovind’s: The Dangers of Evolution presentation).

Don’t be a pansy by only believing whatever makes you feel good, and not believing whatever makes you feel uncomfortable, based on feelings alone. Christianity is not based on skin color, but truth, and the Bible shows us Christians of brown, black, and white skin tones in the first century. As well as multiple honorably mentioned black people in the Old Testament (Jesus and Christianity being the culmination of the OT in the New Testament (NT)).  And just a quick note here, Christianity started with Jewish people (actually God Himself in human form), not Caucasians or Africans.

Secondly, there are likely more non-white (non-Caucasian) Christians in the world today then there are “white” (Caucasian) Christians, and they’re in countries like Africa, China, India, etc.

Thirdly, in the Bible and in early Church History, we see believers in Jesus of browns, blacks, and whites. And Historically speaking, Christianity peacefully spread (with miracles and love I might add) throughout Africa, China, and India, long before the European slave trade (there was also an Arab Islamic slave trade of Africans [some say they introduced it to the Europeans] – and also later had an Islamic slave trade of white Europeans and Americans also, through the Barbary pirates). In many of these cases, Christianity was peacefully introduced to black and brown dominant countries before reaching many white dominant countries. And in some cases, it was black missionaries spreading the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ in white dominant countries. More on that in the video below.

Fourthly, as many black people wrongly assume that Islam is their real ancestral roots, let me first start off by saying, NO! Islam came from the Arabs, who are brown to white in skin tone, and the only reason it spread to Africa (who by that time had many black Jewish and black Christian communities) was because of violent subjugation and slaughtering by invading Islamic hoards bringing the message of Islam, as they did to the Middle East, large parts of Africa, and some of Europe. Let that process and simmer for a moment. Ok, secondly, Islamic sources say that Muhammad himself was a noticeably  white man, who owned black slaves, and who insulted and had a very low view of black people. Mind blow. More on that in the video below.

Fifthly, if you want to go way back, before Islam, before Christianity, before Judaism, #1. how are you going to know what they really believed and where? #2. most importantly, if you could find it, are you going to believe it just because your ancestors did? All of us, at some point in our history, had ancestors that predated Christianity and had various beliefs, but that doesn’t make any of them true (Christianity can be proven as being true), AND really, how far back do you want to go? Because the prior beliefs would have changed the farther back you go, wouldn’t they have? All the way back to Adam and Eve, you’ve got the one God, and precursors prophesying the coming of the future Messiah, Jesus. #3. Just taking a look at some of the voodoo based religions in Africa, what is appealing in that to you? Cursing other people without them knowing? Having some sort of unseen demonic power to control and hurt people? Turning people into obedient zombies by burying them alive for a few days with some demonic crap going on? Digging up the remains of dead people and drinking their fluids? Eating infected monkey brains? Digging up the remains of people who died of infectious diseases and dancing with them and thrashing them about in the public street, unwrapping and re-wrapping them? Do you know how many diseases and deaths have been introduced and re-introduced because of that? Black magic and diseases… you think you’re making the world a better place? Seems rather dark to me. And the Bible says that the enemy, the Devil is the father of lies, and comes to steal, to kill, and to destroy. Who you really wanna follow? Or how about stretching out your neck and your ear lopes as far as they can go? That’s attractive, and totally beneficial… right? Or (in the case of Islam, and still a prevalent practice in many places, including Africa), female genital mutilation… oh ya, that’s really great, ain’t it? (Sarcasm).

Now I know the slave trade is a big deal. But keep all of the facts above in mind, and know that the Bible does not endorse slavery, but rather condemns it, and quoting Scriptures to a slave out of context to make them more obedient is not Christianity. Anyone can take something out of context. Here’s a story of a former KKK Grand Dragon, who was deceived by misquoting Scripture, and later got truly saved and became a pastor of a historically black church, and not even the head pastor – who was black. Stopping judging by outward appearances, and the abuses of human beings, and look closely at the historical facts, logical reasoning, and the actual person of Jesus Christ.

Video Time!

3 Reasons Why Christianity is NOT the White Man’s Religion (The REAL Black History!)
(Black people in the Bible and in the Early Church, and Christianity in black and brown dominant countries – looooong before Islam or Europe).

Muhammad: The White Prophet with Black Slaves
(Islamic sources on the whiteness of Muhammad and the fact that he owned black slaves).

The Islamic View of Black Slaves (David Wood)
(Islamic sources on Muhammad’s view of black slaves).

Bill Warner PhD: Islamic Slavery in Africa
(An Abolitionist writes on the horrors he sees in Africa under the Islamic slave trade).

How Muhammad Ali Was Deceived by Islam
(How Muhammad Ali ignorantly changed his name from the name of an Abolitionist who freed his slaves and used the land to build a school that anyone could go to, helped win the Civil War, and convinced Abraham Lincoln to declare the Emancipation Proclamation, to the names of two Arab slave owners, the foremost of which was a white man with black slaves, and he didn’t think very kindly of them either – don’t forget History, and don’t let Islam fool you. PS, Islam’s slavery is still happening today). 


I hope this has thoroughly dismantled any misinformed objections to Christianity for black people. And I encourage you to stop looking at faulty human beings, and start looking at the facts and truth of Jesus Christ and the Bible for yourself.