Science Finds Adam & Eve… finally

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Beautiful depiction of Eve by Akiane

Well, as expected, science has once again made a startling discovery, which God’s Word already revealed thousands of years ago. And as usual, the secular, atheistic, mainstream scientists, who have commandeered the sciences with their religious, continually disproved, dogma – and who have the current strongest power of the media and academia on their side, will deny that this is the BIBLICAL Adam and Eve, and then convert it into their evolutionary fable, and have some good artists available to make them look like a cross between a human and an ape. Marketing is EVERYTHING!

A more technical term is Y Chromosome Adam and Mitochondrial Eve. Essentially, scientists have discovered that all human beings on the planet do in fact come from a single male and a single female ancestor.

Now the evolutionary excuse of course is that these were just the two primates that happened to have a lucky surviving genealogy throughout history, while all the others died off, which is not only improbable and statistically impossible, but it’s also pure speculation (and poor speculation at that), based purely (or poorly) on the BELIEF that evolution is true and cannot and should not ever be questioned no matter what is found, and which goes against a perfectly accurate Biblical account (some think partially written from Adam himself) which affirms the same fact – however these same excuse makers believe that the Bible cannot be true, despite any evidence that supports it.

I believe that in order to avoid rapid devolving (everything tends towards decay – the second law of thermodynamics), Adam and Eve, their children, their children’s children, and more generations after them would have had to have had the perfect genetics of every single healthy human trait around the planet today, and would have been much more robust than we currently are. Otherwise, they would have suffered from sever inbreeding problems that are observable in modernity with our watered down genetics. We have been devolving, first divided into different nationalities, and then lowered in our senses and abilities. But this is the opposite of macro evolution, neo Darwinism, and points towards the Biblical narrative.

I think if more scientists started doing cross studies into different disciplines, and started listening to those that advocate Intelligent Design, as well as ‘Creationism’ (and there are many who do – many of whom are too scared to lose their jobs or reputations to speak out, as have many before them), then I think they’d start to believe more in the Creator God of the Bible, Whom the Bible says is obviously seen in creation.

And no, all scientists do not agree. There ARE valid, experienced, published, and respected scientists who are not atheist and who are not evolutionist. If you say this cannot be the case, then you’re being extremely unscientific, and it shows your bias and uniformed opinion for what it is… bull dung. And that’s the problem the sciences are facing today, it’s over-run by people who have come to believe in evolution through one sided propaganda (beware of the sound of one hand clapping), and who have biased and one sided views, who often prosecute those with differing opinions, or who highlight evidence they don’t want seen, or who give alternative explanations for evidence that is already widely known.


*”Is the story of Adam and Eve unscientific myth or literal history (Scene 4 of 4)
(Dismantled: A Scientific Deconstruction Of The Theory Of Evolution)
(Talks about the myth of the 2% difference between chimps and man – and what the actual numbers are closer to, Chromosomal Adam & Mitochondrial Eve – and when they actually lived according observable calculations of genetic mutation rates among humans [not assuming evolution to get longer time spans], and genetics in relation to the Flood)

Video: Peer-Reviewed Creationist’s Origin of Life Work, and Adam and Eve’s DNA is in you!

*”Genesis Impact (Full Movie)”
(Exposing the assumptions & lies of Evolution, evidence for Creation, and the impact this debate can have on a person’s faith).

Video: Expelled, No Intelligence Allowed – Ignorance, Propaganda, and Threats within the Scientific community:


Video: The Atheist’s Delusion – see the silliness of Atheism, and God’s true heart for you and everyone on the planet:


Book: Bones Of Contention – so called Missing Links (though they technically wouldn’t prove anything anyways) prove to be created hoaxes: 
Also on Amazon.


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