Is The KKK Christian? – NO!

It’s sad I even have to write this page, but I’ve become informed recently that the Ku Klux Klan teaches it’s members in secret that they are the TRUE Christians. This could not be further from the truth. In fact, the Bible (and Jesus) disproves of white supremacy in the strongest possible ways, save addressing it outright (because it wasn’t a noteworthy issue going on in antiquity to the writers of the Bible, that I’m aware of).

Historically, the KKK was founded by the Democratic Party in the Southern United States, I believe shortly after Blacks had been legally pronounced freed after the Civil War. Their job was to maintain fear among the Black community of their former owners and racist neighbors. They’ve committed horrendous hate crimes, murder, and terror against the Black community, and even against real Christians. The Bible condemns this behavior and ideology, and a Born Again, Holy Spirit filled believer would never condone such activity.

In fact, I’ve recently heard the testimony of a former Grand Dragon of the KKK who read the Bible FOR HIMSELF for the first time in his life. And after coming to the section of Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well, he realized that this passage had been cut short and manipulated by multiple Klan so-called “pastors” over several years, to say that people should not intermix with other ‘races’ (skin color or ethnicity do not make you a separate race, by the way, people are the human race, period). What he found however when he READ The FULL Story Of Jesus And The Samaritan Woman At The Well, was that this woman ended up putting her faith in Jesus (who was Jewish, Semitic, by the way – & God in flesh), and that Jesus ACCEPTED and loved this woman. Not only so, but many other Samaritans in her village also believed in Jesus, and He accepted them as well!

This man was about to become a national leader (a so-called ‘pastor’), but he gave his life to Jesus instead, quit the Klan (for which he was & continues to be threatened), and later became the associate pastor at a black community church (under a black head pastor)! That’s the power of our God! That’s what Jesus can do in a person’s life! Complete 360 degree turn around from a racial bully and terrorist to a loving, Holy Spirit filled, believer, pastoring a mixed church. Kind of like a Saul of Tarsus meeting the risen Jesus on the road type of a moment. You can see that interview here: 

I think that after any careful reading of the Word of God for one’s self, that any member of this hateful organization will realize that Christianity is not a religion that supports their beliefs (it’s not a religion actually, but a restored relationship with our Creator God through His Only Begotten Son & Word, Jesus). And if they need an existing religion that closer fits to their ideologies, might I suggest Islam. See: Blacks In Islam (page not up yet). Biblical pointers below the following. 
A Few Pointers according to what I’ve learned: 1. Muhammad was white – his followers made it a point to point this fact out in several Hadith (not that it’s bad to be white, but many people wrongfully think of Muhammad as being black, which is not the case, he was whiter than his followers, who were Semites). 2. Muhammad owned Black slaves as well as Arab slaves, he was in fact a slave trader – note, some believe the black slave trade was introduced to the west by Islam – which actually took over 1 million white slaves from Europe and America under the Islamic Barbary pirates. 3. According to Islamic sources, black slaves were worth less than arab slaves. 4. Muhammad called Ethiopians raisin heads. 5. Muhammad said that the devil looked like a black man. 6. The only somewhat-redemptive quality black people may find in Islam is that Muhammad said (essentially, paraphrased) that even if a crippled black person were their Islamic leader, the people should listen to them. Somehow this is supposed to say “equality”, but if you know Muhammad’s stance on black people, then it’s really not. He’s basically saying that EVEN IF this worst example of a leader you could ever imagine (according to what I’ve taught you about them) you should still listen to them, not because they’re equal, but for the sake of my religion. 7. For those who think that Islam was your original African religion and you need to come back to your roots, actually Christianity had spread to many African countries LOOONG before Islam even existed, and I imagine it was through how Christianity originally grew – through the love of believers, and the supernatural power of God. Come in Islam, and they literally wiped out and drove away entire Christian communities, as well as any traditional beliefs of your ancestors, through force. Islam has always been a religion of conquest and war, the Middle East, Africa, parts of Europe. 8. I’m out of pointers right now off the top of my head, but I’m fairly certain there are plenty more downers for black people who want to follow Islam, within the Quran, the Hadith, and History itself. You can look up all these references yourself, I hope to post more on them in the future, but I would highly suggest anyone curious about Islam, to visit David Woods from Acts17Apologetics on YouTube (while conservative voices can still be found), and anyone who he works with or recommends. Also Robert Spencer is an expert on Islam, Sharia, and the Islamic world. There are certainly others you can find, many of whom would be in collaboration with David. See a show he (David Woods) co-hosts called: Jesus or Muhammad?  See their videos from their channels, and check the references yourself. 

Let’s take a look at a few pointers about the Bible, that a Klan member is probably very ignorant of – including a stark contrast with the above information regarding black people:

1. Jesus Himself, God incarnate, decided, out of all the nations in the world, to be born of a Jewish woman, into a Jewish society, to be a light not only to the Jewish people, but later to every single nation on the planet, and to save ALL that would trust in Him from eternal damnation.

2. The only remotely Caucasian people even mentioned in the Bible would likely be the Greeks, the Romans, as well as the other Gentile nations which Paul was sent to around the Mediterranean. As a side note, even Paul’s journey to reach the Gentiles with the Gospel (which was originally revealed to the Jews) was a multi-racial, multi-ethnic adventure! Some Arab nations mentioned in the Bible may also have a white skin complexion – Muhammad did, as his companions point out in the Hadith.

3. The majority of the historical peoples of the Bible are: Jewish and Arab (Semitic). AND there are even Egyptians and Ethiopians as well! I can think of 4 mentions of Ethiopians off the top of my head, and they were all put in a good light, did good things, and were mentioned honorably in the Scriptures. 1. The Queen of the South (Queen of Sheba), who praised Solomon (the wisest man who ever lived, aside from Jesus, the God man – man in body, God in nature) for his wisdom, and he actually gave her more than she had brought to him. 2. The Ethiopian who helped hide Jeremiah the prophet – this likely black African man helped save the life of the messenger of God (who, again, was a Semitic Jew). 3. The rich Ethiopian (Jewish) eunuch, on his way back to his country after worshiping in Jerusalem, who made an open confession of  faith in Jesus and was baptized! And that happened because the angel of the Lord told Philip to go to a certain place (he had no idea who would be there, but God did!), and the Holy Spirit told him to go up to the chariot with the Ethiopian man – he had great authority under Candace (another wealthy queen of Ethiopia – a 5th Ethiopian, though not much is said about her). 4. Jesus said that the Queen of the South (that sister above) would rise up on Judgement day and condemn some of the Jews of His day, because she traveled from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon, and someone greater than Solomon was there among them. A black lady’s gonna condemn some lighter skinned dudes. Say whaaaaat?! Lol, ya. I mean, not funny to be condemned, but for the point of this article, that’s just wow.

4. The Bible is full of breaking down barriers between nationalities and other social walls. Inter-marriages, Jesus accepting people of other nationalities (including intermixed peoples), etc. In fact, the very reason that the Gentiles (all non-Jews) were even able to hear the Gospel and believe in Jesus and be saved and changed in the first place, is because God wanted it to cross borders and barriers, and revealed to Peter to go with some gentiles into a gentile house and preach the gospel, and they all received the same Holy Spirit that the Jewish believers had received. In fact, one of the biggest fights of the early church was whether or not Gentiles could be saved through Yeshua (Jesus), and what would be required of them! Should they be circumcised? Etc. All found in the Book of Acts.

5. “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.” ~ Galatians 3:28-29. You’re the spiritual seed of a Semitic man! This is a global family, of blacks, browns, whites, yellows, and tans, men and women, old and young, free and unfortunately some slaves, who come from every manner of backgrounds you can think of. You are not born a Christian, but you must be Born Again to become a Christian – read John chapter 3. This is the Truth, and there is no room for racism, there is plenty of room for a repentant former-racist who has given their life to Jesus.

6. We are all created equal in the sight of God.

7. Another downer in the Bible for the racist’s claims: The Parable Of The Good Samaritan! (Luke 10:25-37).

Historical fact: there were tons of Christian communities in Africa, India, and other places of color (some of which have since been wiped out by Islamic invasion), centuries before the KKK even existed (or Islam for that matter).

And that’s the end of this article. I hope you enjoyed. And if you know a racist person, black, white, brown, any shade will do, send them here, and tell them to read.

Have a great weekend,

God bless you all,

I hope you come to the truth and light of our glorious Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ / Yeshua HaMashiach.


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