
Watch this video for a short review of how the archaeological findings at Jericho match the Biblical account and dating, and how one archaeologist’s: laziness, ignorance, and refusal to check previous findings, led a whole generation of archaeologists largely to dismiss the Bible as being reliable and accurate, and how modern techniques by archaeologists after her, confirmed the previous findings and suspected dating, which align exactly with the Bible. Just one of other similar cases. The Bible has long been used as an accurate source of information for archaeology. The events therein actually happened when and how it says, ask me for more examples if you’d like – hopefully you’re willing to watch through 1-2 hour documentaries – the longer ones. Here’s just a short summary on collected information from Jericho by David W. Daniels from Chick Tracks:

How Did Jericho Fall?


I may add other links to fuller documentaries later, but the above link should satisfy your curiosity for now.