The Hitler Speech Liberals & Atheists Don’t Want You To Hear

The Hitler Speech Liberals & Atheists Don’t Want You To Hear
(Or they’ve just never heard it, lol)   

“Providence has ordained that I should be the greatest liberator of humanity.
I am FREEING MAN from… a false vision called CONSCIENCE and MORALITY.
Conscience is a JEWISH INVENTION.
The HEAVIEST BLOW which struck humanity, WAS CHRISTIANITY.
Bolshevism is Christianity’s illegitimate child.
The struggle for world domination is between me and the Jews.
All else, is meaningless…”

Hitler is often falsely identified as a far right-ring, nationalistic, Christian – subliminally suggesting that right (wing) politics, nationalism, & Christianity are bad, hateful, and dangerous.

And Liberals and Atheists would love for the world to think this… they themselves would love to think this.

But the fact of the matter, is that Hitler HATED both Jews and Christianity, assigning Christianity as a product of the Jews,
and blamed them for conscience and morality, blemishes getting in his way of world domination and the progress of false human evolution, as he “liberated” the world (from conscience and morality).

The ten commandments were invalid, according to Hitler, and of course the greatest blow ever to hit humanity (in the context of conscience, morality, ten commandments, etc) – was Christianity.

He also blamed the Bolshevik (socialist/communist) revolution on Christianity… which killed Christians (Russian Orthodox – close to Roman Catholicism – see below – mind you, I don’t currently know the full tenants of the Russian Orthodox church) while gaining power while overthrowing the Tsars. Perhaps Hitler made this connection because Karl Marx, the founder of Marxism/Communism [advocates of socialism], had Jewish ancestry, and was a lapsed Christian, who became an atheist.

If you’ve done a little research, you’ll know that Hitler and the Nazis hated both Jews and Christianity, and were occultists & UFO advocates, evolutionists, atheists, and far left leaning politically (in fact they got some of their tactics from observing the American left’s treatment of the Native Americans and blacks – see Dinnish D’Souza on that) – who also allied themselves with the Muslim world, and who received approval by the Pope (the RCC not being or teaching true Christianity – a cult –  [quite possibly the Mother of Harlots riding on the Beast in Revelation] and the Pope being illegitimate, and an anti-Christ [some Catholics may be saved, but if they are, it is based on Biblical principles they’ve learned, and not from Roman Catholicism]).

And it was liberal, so-called “Christianity” that caved-in, and tried to change the Bible, and appease the Nazi party, to no avail (but making excellent useful-idiots)… not conservative, true Christians, who apposed the Nazi party, and paid the price for it.
Wonder why we don’t learn this in school? Hmm.

What’s happening today? There is a growing hatred of Jews and Christians around the world, especially from the political left. There is avid and irrational atheism and false teachings of evolution going like crazy. There is utter disdain and panic whenever the 10 commandments are brought up. People want to forge their own conscience and morality, rather than rely on the conscience God gave them and the morality that He has set fourth, and the Salvation that He has given to humanity – Jesus Christ, the only name by which man can be saved, by the grace of God. We’re all sinners, and in need of His forgiveness and a renewed Life in the Messiah.

Speech found on YouTube video:
The Mystery of the Jews (mind you, unfortunately they don’t mention the Messiah Jesus, but the video still makes some very good points about the Jewish people, and some of God’s promises to them).
Also, in the graphic showing dates and ways Jews have been persicuted, just before and through the 5 min mark, some events were from Roman Catholicism [not true Christianity], and they also use the CE date mark, created to avoid the BC/AD pointing to Christ.
Also, they don’t mention why they were scattered amongst the nations the last time, which was for rejecting the Messiah. Or that their regathering as a nation is part of end-time prophesy

Speech: 6:25 – 7:20

Amended March 1st, 2018:
I recently heard in an interview with David Daniels of Chick Publications (about whether a Christian should be a Mason – answer: no), that Hitler was also officially a Roman Catholic and he had close ties with the Jesuits. Furthermore, the Pope at the time never said anything critical against him, and he has never been “excommunicated” from the Roman Catholic Church. For those familiar with the history behind the RCC (which is not original Christianity) and Jesuits, this should not be surprising. I assume you can find more resources on this at