Did The Patriarchs Have Camels In The Levant? Atheists Omit & Skew Incomplete Data In Order To Attack The Bible (Again)

It seems to be a hobby of Atheist influencers to attack the Bible using skewed and/or incomplete data (sometimes completely fabricated). Whether talking about Creation, the Worldwide Flood, the age of the Earth, Jericho, Dinosaurs & man, the age of Mitochondrial Eve (also see this page), etc… or in this instance: camels. It seems their hatred of God (whom they claim doesn’t exist), the Bible, & Christianity will cause them to jump the gun over and over and over again any time anything brushes by their one-way skeptic’s hair-trigger, without doing much of any meaningful research.

If you’d like more details, please watch the video below. For this page, here’s a short general summary of the issue:

A report was published revealing that a specific type of camel didn’t appear to be domesticated in the Levant until much after the time of the Patriarchs in the Bible. The report was based off of incomplete data, much of the area has not been excavated, and much of the data that is available has not been published… in fact only a tiny fraction of the incomplete data available has been published. On top of that, areas surrounding the Levant DID have camel domestication of multiple kinds of camels since BEFORE the Patriarchs of the Bible. And on top of that, Abraham (the first of the Patriarchs) both originated from, and travelled to locations that did have camels (and he was gifted camels in one such place), and he and his descendants only later settled in the Levant, and that as a nomadic people NOT native to the land (which God had promised them).

Yet, despite the FACTS from a close examination, Atheist influencers (who either DIDN’T DO careful research or knowingly LIED) have mockingly, arrogantly, some nearly gleefully touted that the Bible has a fabrication and an anachronism in regards to the Patriarchs having camels in the Levant (which is clearly NOT the case), a claim which they will throw on the ideological trophy shelf (or pile) of equally ignorant claims.

*Note, see these presentations:
Spike Psarris: Science or Storytelling. (He’s a former Atheist who became a Creationist based on the evidence while in the military space program, and later became a Christian).
The Biblical Exodus… Fairytale or Historical Fact? (by David Rohl) (Background info presentation to the “Patterns of Evidence: The Exodus” documentary.
Is Genesis History?

The Lord Jesus Christ will hold every one of you accountable for every idle word (and thought, and action) which you have done, and will reward you according to His standard. If you’d like to NOT get what you deserve (as I know I do), then please accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour today.

Camels: Biblical Archaeology (Does Genesis Have A Big Error?)
by: InspiringPhilosphy

*Note: InspiringPhilosophy has made some videos that I disagree with, and I think are based on incomplete and skewed info (at least one, if not more), however, in general and for the most part, he creates many great and well-researched videos which defend the Bible, Christianity, and knock down one-way skeptics’ arguments. I highly recommend his videos series on Pseudo Gospels & on Jesus vs various pagan gods. He also recently did a video with David Wood on Christmas traditions, which I found enlightening and comforting and concerning. *Enlightening as it revealed how easily “reputable” (or at least well known) organizations/publications can make false statements and get away with not even giving any real references or data. *Comforting because I’ve been questioning whether or not it’s ok to celebrate Christmas and various traditions for a while now (and based off of what he said based on his research, it appears it would be). It doesn’t seem to have originated in paganism (although the date is probably way off, in my opinion). And *concerning because some people I’ve admired (and who are doing some wonderful work in other areas) have promoted this ‘can’t/shouldn’t celebrate Christmas & Christmas traditions’ idea – that said, I would like to see if they have any viable sources for their claims on the subject.