
Welcome to the health page! This page will focus on physical health. Why is this page important on CAR? Because Christians ought to be healthy. We’re told in the Bible that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit, and that we ought to take care of our bodies. Jesus does supernaturally physically heal today, but as mature Christians, we should be taking care of our physical bodies as well as our spiritual ones, and have knowledge of health and the abundance of natural remedies and healthy foods that God has created for us on planet Earth.

If we just followed the Biblical prescriptions for health, we would need very little to no medications. But most of the world does not.

Today, NOT KNOWING what’s in our foods, water, medicines, and vaccinations is literally killing people by the hundreds of thousands and millions. Your health is important, as is that of those around you. And if you live longer, that’s longer you have to live for God on the Earth. And, our health effects our mood as well (and vice versa).

It’s not all about your physical health. If you’re healthy for over 100 years and you end up going to Hell, then it’s all useless. If you’re life bears no fruit to God and isn’t used to help bring others to Him, then it’s useless. Keep that in mind. Your spiritual health must be above your physical health, and if it is, your physical health should follow.

So here’s a few resources for you to have a healthier happier body, hope you find these useful. And if you know of a good resource, please send it in the comments below, and we may add it to this list later. Thank you.

(NOTE: The resources here are for you to be able to do your own research, I’m not a Medical doctor nor an expert, and cannot give you professional advise. I also haven’t done deep research into everything here, I simply wanted to get as many resources as I could remember about gathered together into one place. Do your research, and enjoy).

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1. HUGE library of health and nutrition facts:

2. Kent Hovind – vaccination dangers and Biblical nutrition – video:
The Bible, Health and Natural Cures for Cancer with Dr. Kent Hovind (FULL)
See other videos by Kent Hovind on the Bible and health. This video contains a TON of useful information, and Kent is an incredibly smart and learned guy who loves God and is able to break things down for easy intellectual digestion 🙂 And remember, as with all of these, first and foremost: trust in God’s supernatural healing by the power and authority of Jesus’ name. Living healthier to begin with is also a great idea! 

I haven’t watched this video yet, but it looks really good – has a good explanation of the difference between grape juice and fermented wine. This same YouTube channel has a video series called: IF I WERE SICK?… that also looks good.

4. Amazing Health Secrets:8 Bible Principles For A Longer Stronger Life, Part 1 – video:
Again, I haven’t watched this yet, but it looks good.
-Haven’t watched yet:
-Haven’t watched yet:

5. The Juice Lady – the amazing nutritional benefits of different juices for your health, plus other health information.

6. Infowars store – amazing supplement products AND great water filters – there’s some bad nasties being put into a lot of the water that we drink, filtered and clean water is vital and important to health. Also has some supplements directly related to the gut, which has recently been discovered to have a much bigger impact on your health then previously realized. Also, if I remember correctly, Alex Jones and has also done extensive studies on vaccines/vaccinations – look for articles and videos about the subject from them if you want to know more.

7. Get The Tea – detoxing tea to support your health.

8. Juice Plus – this is an affiliate program (that I’m not currently signed up for) which I was introduced to by one of my neighbors back in the States in OR. He’s a professional Olympic trainer, named Jack, and highly recommends this stuff (and also sells it as a side source of residual income) – the studies on it have apparently been incredible. Because it’s an affiliate program, this means you can’t buy it unless you sign up for monthly orders, however if sales and health is up your ally, then it could also provide a source of income.

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9. Don and Tyler Tolman – health:
I can’t endorse everything by these two, especially from Tyler (Don’s son) – he knows a lot about health from his dad, but he’s getting into a lot of new age, ancient mysticism, dark spiritual junk – so be aware of that, you’ll have to sort out the spiritual junk from the healthy treasures.
*Don Tolman – whole foods and health. Started off by apparently finding and re-created the recipe of an ancient Biblical food called Pulse (which he makes and sells) that Daniel and his companions ate (see the Daniel’s fast video above).  He has also written an extensive 2 volume health and nutrition encyclopedia set, called the FDR (Farmacist Desk Reference). Also see Don Tolman international.
*Tyler Tolman – WARNING: Many good tips in many of his video blogs, but again, Tyler lives here in Bali, and has gone off into a bunch of ancient mysticism, Egyptian religions, new agey stuff, which is all just spiritual darkness and NOT good for our souls, PLEASE sort this stuff out from the incredible wealth of health knowledge based on nutrition that he has. – And again, remember, it’s not all about the body. Another thing Tyler does is teach on intermittent fasting – this “fasting” is not the Biblical fasting for spiritual growth – which we should not forget to do, BUT this one does apparently have amazing health benefits. – I would not recommend his programs, because of the non-Christian spiritual practices which he incorporates into them, and I’ve heard second hand information that some people who have taken them actually leave feeling very weird and strange, solely because of these dark spiritual arts that he is incorporating and mixing in. Tyler, if you’re reading this, you’re tapping into spiritual energies that’s not good for people’s lives. People need Jesus and the Holy Spirit, not tapping into the demonic or neutral spaces where evil spirits move and deceive. Eternal life is what really matters in the end of this life, and that only comes through Jesus Christ. Good physical health is beneficial in this short time that we have here – all of which you’ll find in the Bible from our loving Father God. But only Jesus, the Only Begotten Son of God, and the ONLY author of Eternal life, can give us a good spiritual life – because He IS The Life, the source of life. Anything else not only toxifies our souls – which can lead to later health problems, but it also leads people away from Jesus, who IS Eternal life and life itself.

10. – book and resources – very excited for the book, but haven’t been able to read through it yet. READ the quotes in their scrolling bar. See more info below.

11. VACCINATED CHILDREN VS UNVACCINATED CHILDREN – An apparently first ever independent scientific study, showed that vaccinated children are far unhealthier than unvaccinated children – by large percentages. Yes, believe it or not, this is apparently a first ever, despite being such a heated argument of such great concern and importance. Now, many of us didn’t need this study, there’s been more than enough very telling statistics, stories, common knowledge, and hush-hush information, not to mention personal life experiences that would naturally lead any reasonable person to this conclusion, but now here’s an ‘official’ study to prove what many knew all along. And yet, States are still pushing vaccination laws behind the scenes, with anything from forced vacs, to increasing the number of vacs, to shaming those who do not take them.

12. Other interesting videos about potentially healing cancer – use caution when viewing, this is not a recommendation:
Two ingredientsside note: this got me thinking about Hyperbaric chambers. These increase oxygen content in a chamber, and increase the atmospheric pressure to 2-3x normal, forcing oxygen into your body and cells, which accelerates healing in general (sports teams have been known to use them for injured players), it would not surprise me if they were also useful in dealing with cancer, since (I believe) cancer thrives in an oxygen deficient and acidic environment. Hyperbaric chambers are sold for a few thousand dollars, and treatments run at a few hundred dollars per treatment.
Carrot Juice?
*Have not watched yet: some green juice? | baking soda? | really old man reveals secret?

13. How I Shut Up My Doctor About Vaccines
14. How to Opt-Out Of Forced Vaccinations
15. Vaccine Damage Is Now A Global Pandemic
16. 10 FACTS VACCINE COMPANIES Don’t Want You To Know !!!
17. Apricot Seeds / Bitter Almonds / B17 / Laetrile, amygdaline / Effects On Cancer
Also see this presentation by Kent Hovind on Apricots Seeds (and other health info on vitamins and minerals)

Notice: Some vaccines may have some beneficial benefits, but there are a lot of negative effects they will not tell you about. Please, do your own research, and don’t just accept someone’s word for it. There are plenty of medical professionals who will tell you, and have told the world, that vaccines can have major problems. Plus, there’s a lot going on behind the scenes that you wouldn’t think is happening, such as eugenics, complications, etc. There are also clean vaccines (or at least lower risk vaccines) vs dirty vaccines (higher risk vaccines). 
Have not seen these yet:
Movie: Vaxxed(?)

There’s so much more that could be talked about, but I hope you enjoy these resources so far. Other things to look into would be buying organic (real organic), buying local, growing your own food/permaculture – again, I have to say, be careful, not because this is bad, but because there’s lots of opportunities out there to learn permaculture on shared farms, etc, and many people who do these programs or live in/host these communities are not going to have Christian values. As always, be led by the Holy Spirit. And before you do anything, make sure you have a solid walk with God, that He comes first in EVERYTHING you do, and that you are led by Him.

Turmeric Powder: AMAZING antiseptic and blood cleanser, press it into a wound and it will instantly scab up, protect the skin, and cleanse the blood. Turmeric itself is an amazing root with a host of health benefits, including being antiseptic, antibacterial, and anti-cancer (particular forms). Here in Indonesia, they make a drink out of it called Jamu – which is often served hot if from a street vendor, but can be gotten cold if you’re at a trusted / professional restaurant.

Apricot Seeds: WARNING: it is said by some organizations that eating Apricot kernels may lead to cyanide poisoning. I don’t remember where I heard this information from and I don’t remember the details, I think it was from a Kent Hovind video though. There is apparently a native village somewhere who had an average life span of over 100 years (again I don’t remember the specifics). Westerners came in and tried to give them medicine/vaccinations(?), which brought their average health down quite a few number of years. The Western medicine stopped and they’re average life spans slowly started to climb back up. Their secret was (totally organic) apricots, which made up a significant part of their diets, and more importantly the apricot seeds. Now it’s apparently an urban legend that apricot seeds contain cyanide that will kill you if ingested – again, it is said cyanide poisoning may occur if eaten – I suggest researching this subject on your own. Apple seeds have a type of cyanide as well, but it’s not until you condense and process it that it becomes the deadly poison that we think of that kills people. This cyanide is actually extremely healthy, and if I remember right, naturally attaches itself to cancer cells and kills them. Even God told us in Genesis to eat the seeds. Not to say there isn’t room for Western scientific medicine – but: A. we would need it a lot less if AT ALL if we followed God’s Biblical prescriptions (of course with foods, water, etc that have not been tampered with), and B. the pharmaceutical, vaccination, and health industries are a HUGE money making market, and as much as people don’t want to think so, there are imperfect human beings in those industries who want to pump people full of chemicals and keep them coming back. Breaking the oil light in your car so you don’t notice it, but not actually changing the oil, will break the car (again, from Kent Hovind).

Papaya Leaf Juice: In Indonesia, this is recommended by locals to help cure Dengue Fever. Be careful, drinking too much at one time could cause you to throw up. It’s recommended to drink a few sips every few hours for a few days. It can significantly reduce the amount of time Dengue usually takes, or prevent it altogether if you drink it preemptively/regularly during normal Dengue season or if you feel ill/early effects of Dengue.

Wheat grass: Generally thought to be an incredible immune booster. All I know is it’s helped me feel better after drinking. Normally served in shot glasses or put into your smoothie. Beware – you’ll either like it or hate it. If you hate it, take it in one quick shot.

Garlic: An amazing antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, and very common. Eat raw garlic to help that dangling thing at the back of your throat get better 😛 as well as to help prevent and heal sickness. Lightly cooking it can make it more bearable to eat. A 1/2 cooked and 1/2 raw minced garlic topping can make an excellent tasting and healthy piece of garlic toast. Raw garlic is also not so bad if eaten with other food, it adds a strong spice though. And your breath will smell lovely… ehem (sarcasm).

Activated Charcoal: Apparently has a host of benefits – read more in the link above (#10). Mix a table spoon of fine powdered activated charcoal to help cleanse the body of food poisoning. Some friends of mine here in Bali had one of their dogs poisoned (I think with rat poison), they immediately gave her milk and activated charcoal powder, and it probably saved the dog’s life. Some believe this to be somewhat of a miracle cure-all, from anti-inflammatory, to pain relief, to fighting infection, and even cancer. See the site and book in the link above for more info. Also feel free to do your own research.

This is a small list, and truth be told, most whole foods have a host of health benefits. Your body needs vitamins AND minerals to function properly and to prevent disease (often caused by a lack of a type of vitamin or mineral – or having a bad mindset as well, having a lack of sunshine and exercise, etc). Most if not all of these vitamins and minerals can be found in some plant God’s placed on the planet, and may be more common than you think.

First of all – Trust God for everything (including supernatural healing and health) and do what He says.
Second of all – As He tells you to do, take good care of your physical body – and learn what the Bible has to say about health – finding your joy, peace, and strength in the Lord, as well as – what plants to eat, animals to avoid eating, health practices, laughing, etc.
Thirdly – Most important of all, remember to take care of your spiritual walk with God – (also as prescribed in the Bible) – serving Him and serving people, and leading people to Him is the most important thing. AND having His peace and His joy and being close to Him will not only make your spirit and your soul healthy, but will also have a profound effect on your bodily health.

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