New Age & Occultism Conversions To Jesus

Remember: All of the world’s religious leaders died and remained in their graves, accept Jesus.

There are many other testimonies I could have added here, but here are a few extremely impactful ones. They are just a few examples of many. See a personal testimony from my wife below the video links.

***New Age/Occult:
Voice From Heaven Serves as Witch’s Wake-Up Call 

Hispanic Satan Worshiper Finds Jesus, Through the Prayers of a Stranger!!

From New Age To Jesus – My Testimony
Former New Age blogger and guru. (He mentions having been attracted to the ancient aliens idea – there are Biblical answers to the whole alien phenomenon, so if you’re going to look into that, please ask me for
resources, because there’s a lot of deception out there)

-Reiki master meets Jesus
Note: one thing she says (as a new Christian) is that God just wants you to be happy and not to have any stress in your life (near the end of the video). While there is truth to this, there is also something to be said of promised and expected suffering for the sake of Christ

-From new age to Jesus! Powerful testimony of freedom from the occult

-From New Age to Jesus – My Testimony

-New Age To Jesus / My Testimony (Astrology, Psychics, LOA, Psychedelics) Dragon From Another Planet

-My Testimony: Jesus Saved My Life From the Occult and the New Age Movement
(Haven’t watched this in full yet as of posting).

-The Insidious New Age Plot to Infiltrate Christianity

-Jewish Guru with Many Powers has found the Real Supernatural Power – Ron Cohen

Let me share an experience (not a conversion experience) that my wife told me about that almost cost her her life. One day, while she was still a Catholic (now a Protestant) and in college, she and her friends went to a fortune teller for “fun”. Something the Bible condemns. The woman spoke over my wife’s friends, and when it was my wife’s turn, the woman told her that she would die that night. Naturally, my wife was very shaken and scared, but she and her friends managed to laugh it off. That night, my wife was in bed with her sister right next to her in the same bed, her parents were in a room just around the corner, and her brother and a spiritually sensitive friend were in a room with its door just opposite of hers, a few feet away. Her sister had already fallen asleep, and suddenly, my wife felt an invisible force pin her to the bed and start choking her! She couldn’t move, she couldn’t speak, and she couldn’t breathe. Her sister was only inches away, but she couldn’t do anything. A cross which was hanging above her bed managed to catch her eye, and all she could do was think “Jesus!”… and the pressure released a little. She continued to say the name of Jesus in her mind, each time the pressure releasing even more, enabling her to breathe, and eventually to speak His name out loud, at which point the demon that had been trying to kill her left. The next day, she told her family’s maid who was a Muslim (maids are common for middle to upper-class families in Jakarta, Indonesia). The maid told her that it sounded like something that had happened to multiple other people around the village (due to black magic, I think), but she said it couldn’t be that, because all those people had died. My wife also told her brother, and he conveyed to her that that night his spiritually sensitive friend had told him right around the same time that there was something wrong in his sister’s bedroom and that they needed to pray, which they did. My friend, there is no name higher than the name of Jesus, and the Bible says that every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, and I’m telling you that it’s better to do it now willfully in order to be forgiven and saved, than on Judgement Day forcefully before being condemned for your own sins and rejection of the truth.