Why Does The Bible Mention Unicorns?

Image: Chronicles Of Narnia – The Last Battle – by C.S. Lewis

Ah, the unicorn, a mythical horse with a lance-like spirally spike jutting out of it’s forehead, it farts rainbows and poops butterflies too. Of course, this creature is mythical… and yet the Bible uses the word “unicorn” in multiple places. So what gives? Now one of my friends in high school actually had one of our teachers use this fact to say that the Bible was just full of fairy tales (I think he also mentioned ‘aliens’ as well – which is basically just a word for ‘foreigners’ in the Bible).

Well, this isn’t as hard as it seems. We can get ourselves into really big trouble when we take a word or phrase used a few hundred years ago, and apply it to the modern day understanding of that word. Ooooh 🙂 Yes.

If you get a 1600’s English dictionary, you’ll see that the word “unicorn” is used to mean any animal with a single horn, and it in-particularly gives the example of a rhinoceros. This is what the KJV means when it uses the word “unicorn”. There are even distinctions between a single horned rhinoceros and a two horned rhinoceros. Watch the video below for a clear walk through of some of these verses, and what the words are actually referring to (gets into Greek and all that). Enjoy, and God bless.

Rhinoceros - copyright - OceanwideImages.com
Rhinoceros – copyright – OceanwideImages.com

PS, remember, the point of being right isn’t to rub it in someone’s face, we’re to point people to the truth of God’s Word and the love of God for that individual.

PPS, the word “dragon” used in the Bible can also often refer to dinosaurs, but that’s another topic.



And hey, check out these artist renditions of what has been nicknamed the Siberian Unicorn – an actual creature, a type of  ancient rhinoceros:

Siberian Rhinoceros - copyright - Stanton F. Fink Wikimedia Commons
Siberian Rhinoceros – copyright – Stanton F. Fink Wikimedia Commons
Siberian Rhinoceros - elasmotherium sibiricum known as the siberian unicorn credit wikipedia
Siberian Rhinoceros – elasmotherium sibiricum known as the siberian unicorn credit wikipedia
Siberian Rhinoceros - www.news-asia.ru/view/society//9364
Siberian Rhinoceros – http://www.news-asia.ru/view/society//9364

Definitely looks like a UNI-corn to me!